Lá se foi o cometa que alguns 'profetas' de ocasião diziam vir a provocar uma catástrofe terrena, mesmo com a sua passagem a uma distância comparável à da Terra-Vénus. Aparentemente, terá começado já a desintegrar-se à medida que se aproxima do Sol:
"We located an earlier image of comet Elenin from and we have processed the image to highlight what we believe is the initial breakup of Elenin a week ago.
The three white specks in our picture are what we believe to have been the initial broken pieces of Elenin’s nucleus a week ago. If our image is correct, this means that Elenin’s nucleus broke up initially into 3 pieces. Since then it appears those pieces have broken up into smaller pieces.
We are still analyzing this picture further to confirm it shows the breakup."
Mas para alguns, isto ainda não está terminado.
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