Diz-se que estas, pesadonas e quiçá inspiradas no modelo de fabrico 'unibody', agora encontradas em praias, são 'de outro(s) mundo(s)'. Podem até ser. Mas como sempre, devemos ser um nadinha atrasados para perceber o que contêm e qual o propósito. Claro que se tivessem dado à costa na Cova do Vapor, a esta hora já se saberia um bocadinho mais depois de umas marteladas e até poderíamos elucidar o FBI e congéneres. Ou então ter-se-ia aberto uma caixa de Pandora e seria pior a emenda que o soneto.
Brinco com isto, mas acho estranho. E esta é que é a realidade.
"They can’t be moved; even when yanked by a four-wheel drive truck pulling on heavy chains tied around these humming metal boxes"
"However, the late afternoon before sunset at Bray’s Point Feb. 8 found only the roar of absolute silence. In turn, there was no same intense level of noise coming from two boxes on the Bray’s Point beach and others at the nearby Stonefield Beach."
"Meanwhile, the British government also photographed similar huge metal boxes on beaches in Sri Lanka in the late 1990’s and in early 2004 and 2005. The discovery of the boxes is detailed in updated previously classified reports from the British government"
Brinco com isto, mas acho estranho. E esta é que é a realidade.
"They can’t be moved; even when yanked by a four-wheel drive truck pulling on heavy chains tied around these humming metal boxes"
"However, the late afternoon before sunset at Bray’s Point Feb. 8 found only the roar of absolute silence. In turn, there was no same intense level of noise coming from two boxes on the Bray’s Point beach and others at the nearby Stonefield Beach."
"Meanwhile, the British government also photographed similar huge metal boxes on beaches in Sri Lanka in the late 1990’s and in early 2004 and 2005. The discovery of the boxes is detailed in updated previously classified reports from the British government"
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