27 julho 2009

Vizinhança e boas intenções

  • Years ago in the pre-Internet era, AOL was the talk of the town, so Microsoft had to copy it with MSN. No money was made; no strategic advantage was gained.

  • Netscape was the rage for a while, so Microsoft threw together a browser and got in that business. The browser was given away for free. No money was made; the strategy got the company in trouble with government trustbusters.

  • During the early days of the Internet, new online publications appeared. Microsoft decided to become a publisher too, rolling out a slew of online properties including a computer magazine and a women's magazine. They were all folded.

  • Computer books became popular; Microsoft began Microsoft Press. After an early splash and success, the company soon lost interest and the division now languishes.

  • Teddy Ruxpin became a hot toy. Microsoft rolled out a couple of robotic plush toys, including the creepy Barney the Dinosaur who sang "I love you and you love me." The company soon lost interest and dropped the whole thing.

Esta lista de fracassos de Redmond, do género 'este-brinquedo-já-não-presta' não acaba aqui. O resto, da autoria de John Dvorak (que por cá passou há pouco tempo) pode ser lido aqui.
Vem isto a propósito de mais uma intenção de copiar o que já está feito: as hipotéticas novas lojas Microsoft 'Apple-alike', de preferência bem perto umas das outras.